Hi all,
It is officially the Easter break but I said I would do a post on some activities that could be completed over the next two weeks. Please feel free to email me at any stage if you require additional support and guidance. My email is [email protected]. I will try my best to respond to you as soon as possible. I hope you all have a lovely and safe Easter Break. Take care, Mr. Shannon 1. Art There are mindfulness colouring sheets on Twinkl that can be printed off and decorated. Some of these include crafts where an Easter basket is made, or join the dots to make a an Easter image. https://www.twinkl.ie/search Other craft ideas can be found on Pinterest, some of which involve using materials found around the house and in the recycling, so it allows you to become creative. https://www.pinterest.ie/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=easter%20crafts%20for%20kids&eq=Easter%20crafts%20for&etslf=8258&term_meta[]=easter%20crafts%20for%20kids%7Cautocomplete%7C0 Pinterest is also a good website for looking for more ideas, crafts and art activities that could be done at home. There are different junk art possibilities and recycling constructions that can be tried at home. Simply search for ideas in the search engine on the Pinterest website. 2. Well Being Activities There is a primary school teacher who writes well being books and creates resources to encourage setting aside time to be mindful. She has made a free journal for children. This can be found at: https://indd.adobe.com/view/5237deef-2311-469f-9e2d-b5ee89c2000f This could be printed off, however, if you have no access to a printer, the activities can be copied out and completed in a copy/on pages. 3. Physical Exercise It is important to keep physical exercise as part of our daily routines. There are endless possibilities here including games in the back yard/garden, dancing to music, Wii Fit with the family or using online tutorials to lead exercise activities. Here are some links that you could use: Go Noodle - Zumba/Dance: https://family.gonoodle.com/activities/dance-dance-dance Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM5MGLMNN_E PE with Body Coach Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=pe+with+joe 10 @ 10: https://rtejr.rte.ie/10at10/ 4. Continuing Learning at Home The RTÉ Home School Hub is a great resource for helping to continue learning. There are teachers giving lessons on different subjects. I'm attaching a link, however, for boys who are curious to learn more, they may find things interesting in another class level. https://www.rte.ie/learn/3rd-and-4th-class/ 5. Helping out at Home. The Easter Break could give you and your son an opportunity to do something together at home. Teach them a new skill - cooking or baking, sewing etc. Encourage them to help out with housework - sweeping floors, hoovering, cleaning their rooms, folding clothes, washing and drying dishes. This is great for teaching them to become more responsible and independent. 6. Project and Research If your son is in need of more work. Assign them a project and get them to do some research. Get them to research their favourite football team or player, a country they hope to visit, compile a collection of recipes, research their favourite superheroes. Find out all about them, the history attached to their chosen topic and then present their findings to family members. Other project work could be more curious inquiry -
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