Welcome to Senior Infants and 1st Class Webpage
The boys had a great first term. Here are a few things they got up to since September:
Hurling and football
The boys were very lucky this term to have two excellent coaches come in every week for both Hurling and Gaelic Football. Here are a few pictures:
We all had great fun for Halloween. We dressed up and played traditional Halloween games at our Halloween party
Sam Maguire
Dublin made history by winning the All-Ireland Final this year for the fifth year in a row and we had the great honor of getting a visit on the 6th of December from Dublin Senior Footballer Brian Howard and the Sam Maguire cup.
Our Christmas Play
The boys practiced very hard for their Christmas play 'Wriggly Nativity' and their hard work paid off on the day. A big thanks to parents for practicing lines and songs with the boys and sourcing the costumes, as well as coming to support on the day! Here is a picture of the boys rehearsing with Junior Infants. The video of the play is available on the website's home page.