6th class were learning about and experimenting with tone and colour variations in this vibrant painting lesson. The boys learned about warm and cool colours and how different colours can compliment each other and how other colours can be contrasting. They then made their silhouettes and used their knowledge of warm and cool colours and tones to create a vibrant background.
Project Work
The boys in 6th class have been practicing their computer skills and have been researching topics as part of their project work. We are lucky to have Chrome Books in school and the boys have put a lot of work into learning how to use them effectively. The focus for this project was geography based and the boys picked a place to focus on and research. They really enjoyed working on their projects and look forward to doing many more throughout the year.
Sunflower Art
Taking inspiration from the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh, the boys created sunflower paintings. We first looked at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and some of his many sunflower creations. The boys then had the opportunity to create their own sunflowers. Some boys used their knowledge of tone and colour from a previous lesson to create a vibrant background.