Ms Brogan and the Amber Flag Committee organised lots of lovely activities for the school for wellness week. Yesterday, we made delicious smoothies and participated in some meditation. Today, we took 30 mins out of our busy day to go for a ‘walk and talk’ in the Gaels. We had a very eventful walk- the boys saw ducks, were chased by two dogs, played with the dogs and rolled down a big hill!!
Food Experiment- Iodine test for starch
Boys in 5th class did a science experiment yesterday. We tested to check the presence of starch in a variety of foods. If the food turns blue/black then there is starch and therefore is a carbohydrate. Boys were fascinated at how quickly some of the items changed colour.
Pancake Tuesday
Fundamental Movement Skills
5th class took advantage of the beautiful weather this week to explore the skill of running.
2D shapes
Cell Explorers Science Workshop
Each week 4 boys in the class are selected to go baking with Stephanie as a reward for really good behaviour. We’ve made fairy cakes and chocolate chip cookies so far!
Happy Halloween!!
5th class have started swimming this week. The boys were divided up into two groups and worked hard on their swimming skills.
Youth Club
Each week, 5th class have the opportunity to go to the Youth Club. While there, the boys learn vital skills such as teamwork, cooperation, sharing and turn-taking too. As well as all the skills the boys learn they also get a break from hard work in the classroom and most importantly they have fun!!
Pop Art
Fifth class have added a ‘pop’ of colour to the corridor upstairs. Fifth class boys have been learning about Pop Art and the use of bold colours and repeated patterns.