We took a trip to the playground to reward the boys for all their hard work!
St. Patricks Day Art
The boys created these lovely pieces of art to celebrate St. Patricks day!
Building Bridges in 2nd Class
The boys worked together together yo create bridges using different materials.
Our Class Christmas Tree
Christmas Art
Second class had a great time decorating their own Christmas trees. They looked fantastic!
Polar Bear Art
We have been learning all about the Artic. The boys were in spired by the aurora borelis (the northern lights) for the background. They used card to make 3D polar bears.
Halloween Art
Second class experimented with making different tones of blue and pink. The boys used white and black paint to change the colour tones.
Maths Week
The boys played lots of different games as part of maths' week. They had great fun practising adds ng and subtracting as they played the game!
Autumn Art
In 2nd class we have been learning all about Autumn. In art we created silhouettes of Autumn animals. Here are just a few examples of our work.